Event networking - b2match

b2b Meetings

Boost Business Opportunities With Our B2B Meeting Features

The main reason for any b2b event or community is networking. Our onsite, hybrid and virtual meeting features allow you easy and efficient meeting management.

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Time Slot Management

Booking Rules


Integrated Online Video Meetings

Boost Business Opportunities With Our B2B $$Meeting Features$$

Meeting Types

Flexible and Effective Meeting Options Built For Maximum Matchmaking Success

Allow your attendees to schedule their one-on-one meetings and discuss business opportunities with a single click. AI machine learning algorithms detect the best matches and provide profile recommendations for better matchmaking results.

Teamwork makes the dream work. Allow your participants to have group meetings, whether it’s representatives from two companies, or multiple participants working on the same multi-company project.

Meeting scheduling

An Intuitive User Interface Allows Easy B2B Meeting Requesting

  • Based on mutual availability, participants can request one-to-one or group meetings
  • The system automatically calculates which time slots are available for which participant
  • Sending a message with the request automatically creates a one-on-one or group conversation
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Booking Rules

Set Up Limitations And Decide Who Can Meet Whom

  • Segment your participants into separate groups, for example, buyers and sellers
  • Create rules that prevent one group from requesting meetings with another group for maximum control
  • Maximize meeting efficiency and make sure that participants only meet with whom they need to
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Time Slot Management & scheduling

Designated Meeting Time Slots Result in a Structured and Organized Networking

  • You define the meeting time slots by creating networking blocks on your event
  • Based on mutual availability, participants can request one-to-one or group meetings
  • Sending a message with the request automatically creates a chat or group conversation
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virtual meetings

Organizing Hybrid or Online B2B Meetings Has Never Been Easier

  • Integrated video meetings tool allows attendees to participate without any additional downloads
  • Participants can join virtual meetings with a single-click through Meetings or My schedule
  • Meeting reminders and notifications help you boost participant engagement

Virtual Meeting Features

Knowledge Is Key, We Happily Share It

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Want to Learn More About How to Make Your Event a Success?

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